Honorary Life Members
In recognition of their enthusiasm, dedication and time given to the club the following have been awarded with Honorary Life Memberships
The following have been awarded Honorary Life Memberships for services to Club and Committee
Mike Storey. A founder of the SAA having been previously chairman of Scunthorpe Angling club and the first chairman of SAA. Mike also leads on the K & S Canal and the River Ancholme.
Bob Cross. Long serving committee member going back 30years. He has been involved in a number of initiatives that the club have pursued including obtaining a number of our venues on the Trent and Ancholme. In addition, he held the match secretary position and run the Mouncey League for a number of years. Bob is a trustee of the club and is a regular at all of outlets providing up to date information on our fast moving developments.
Terry Bontoft. Again, another original member who was on the Scunthorpe committee and has and still does, a range of activities on behalf of our club.
Posted 10/06/23