Water Conditions

Girton Update 29/06/24

Unfortunately we took Tarmac at face value. Mick Brown went to replace the lock for one of ours and discovered a second gate has been installed with Tarmac’s own lock! We can only access half of the track length leaving quite a bit of walking still to do. Please park sensibly and we will try to find out what the hell is going on.

Our secretary Les has received a phone call as regards Girton access.  There will be a new combination padlock put on the gate. It is a 5 digit lock, so the code is our usual code but with a 0 in front.

Members are ONLY allowed to park on the hardstanding and under no circumstances park on the grass. Please adhere to this request or failure in doing so could lose us our access and you would lose your membership.

Continue to read on our website for any further updates on any of our venues.

Please be aware that there are covert cameras monitoring our and others activities. Please put peer pressure on your fellow members to keep off the verge and to park sensibly at the designated area at the end. We’d like to acknowledge the support that Girton Parish council have provided for us. Please don’t let them down. Our bailiffs will be asked to police activities and report those that ignore this request. Enjoy your fishing

Posted 28/06/24

South Clifton Update

Next week we will endeavour to resolve the problems at S. Clifton. The E.A. have responded by saying that the Riparian Owner is responsible for the bank and that they only cut the vegetation and prune trees on flood banks. More digging to be done!

The parish council have now asked that NO vehicles be allowed on the flood bank until repairs have been carried out, we cannot afford to upset the villagers.

So, the Trent Lane gate will go back on bailiff code to stop vehicles. There is a wide hand gate. There is no way to stop vehicles on the bank at the school end, so please abide by these temporary rules, NO VEHICLES ON THE FLOOD-BANK, even to drop tackle.

Updates 28/06/24

Ladypitt update

Having spoken with the estate manager for the top meadow at lady Pitt, I have now had clearance to use this stretch from the beginning of the season, however I am struggling to find someone who will cut a track in the grass, I will endeavour to try and find someone before Sunday, on the plus side it is getting cut for silage in July, no specific date but July.

The track down to the river has had the central soil removed and stone levelled and replaced where needed, top meadow has now been topped 3m wide and all the way to the top, you will have to cut your own pegs, word of caution the drainage ditch 3/4 up is still holding water, enjoy the season. Andy Lee

Posted 14/06/24

Warping Drain

Not good news, I’m afraid. This morning, I rang the solicitor acting for the IDB. He stated that the IDB were not going to meet us to discuss the increase in licence renewal nor the stipulations imposed in the new agreement i.e. that we can not work on the bank side to make suitable areas for anglers, etc. He then said that by “mutual consent”, that the IDB were happy to part ways with us as their maintenance costs for this water was too high (which I interpret ‘as we would not get much done’ and the drain would be left to deteriorate). I’ll remind you that the priority on their list is to provide the farmers with grandfather rights to abstract in times of need……. fishing is way down the list. Hence the levels and the weed have always given us grief and through a season on numerous occasions we have been fobbed off, ignored when we have raised concern.

So, at the AGM the committee was mandated to get a good deal or failing this to end our arrangement with the IDB. The committee this morning has unanimously agreed to no longer rent Warping Drain.

I’d like on behalf of the committee to thank those bailiffs and volunteers who have passionately nurtured and maintained this drain over the years. Particular mention for Derek Topping who as man and boy has lived for the Warping Drain. He has had to deal with an increasing number of incidents with poachers and had excellent contacts in the EA to help him with his endeavours. I know how much this decision will hurt him but at least he will still be able to walk the stretch and enjoy the nature side of the venue. He also has planted a tree on the venue in memory of his parents, some years ago. Also, a big thanks to Robin Jones for supporting Derek in recent years.