Scunthorpe AA has a number of venues that other clubs and organisations can book for fishing matches. Whether its a river, canal or lake that you’re looking for, we have something to suit your needs. Matches can be booked on the following venues –
The Match and North ponds at our Yaddlethorpe site. (The north pond is still being developed)
The Heron, Kestrel & Kingfisher ponds at Black Bank
The River Ancholme
The Stainforth & Keadby canal – between Keadby & Maud’s Bridge
The Chesterfield canal – between West Stockwith and the Drakehole Tunnel.
Maps and directions for these venues can be found here on our website.
A list of matches on our venues can be found here and SAA member only match bookings at Black Bank here
If you would like to book a venue or just want more information please contact Mike Storey on 07717748523 or ring the club number 01724 855730, to leave a message and someone will call you back.