Venue Conditions

South Clifton Update 04/09/24

A number of anglers have been parking on the top of the bank despite our requests not to. There has even been a camper van overnight! We have photographs and car registrations supporting these accusations . A letter will be sent to individuals explaining the ramifications of their actions. In addition, there is a concerning report from the EA to say that there are at least 76 holes through the base of the bank, evident when the water level gets high.

Given the recent experience of the floods and the trauma and hardship these brought about, the safety and welfare of local residents is paramount. Therefore, in order to prevent this situation escalating any further, as from tomorrow we will revert to having no vehicular access onto the bank until further clarity is sort.

Please, if you do see a vehicle accessing the bank, do the right thing and explain the situation to them. We will be doing spot checks, as and when, and hopefully we will not have a few spoil it for the many.

Dave Collins

Besthorpe update – Posted 17/08/24

Just a heads up to our members who travel long distances, the mitten crabs 🦀 are showing more and more making it difficult to keep a bait on the hook. Seems to be more of a problem after dark.

Girton Update – 29/06/24

Unfortunately we took Tarmac at face value. Mick Brown went to replace the lock for one of ours and discovered a second gate has been installed with Tarmac’s own lock! We can only access half of the track length leaving quite a bit of walking still to do. Please park sensibly and we will try to find out what the hell is going on.

Our secretary Les has received a phone call as regards Girton access.  There will be a new combination padlock put on the gate. It is a 5 digit lock, so the code is our usual code but with a 0 in front.

Members are ONLY allowed to park on the hardstanding and under no circumstances park on the grass. Please adhere to this request or failure in doing so could lose us our access and you would lose your membership.

Continue to read on our website for any further updates on any of our venues.

Please be aware that there are covert cameras monitoring our and others activities. Please put peer pressure on your fellow members to keep off the verge and to park sensibly at the designated area at the end. We’d like to acknowledge the support that Girton Parish council have provided for us. Please don’t let them down. Our bailiffs will be asked to police activities and report those that ignore this request. Enjoy your fishing


Ladypitt update – 14/06/24

Having spoken with the estate manager for the top meadow at lady Pitt, I have now had clearance to use this stretch from the beginning of the season, however I am struggling to find someone who will cut a track in the grass, I will endeavour to try and find someone before Sunday, on the plus side it is getting cut for silage in July, no specific date but July.

The track down to the river has had the central soil removed and stone levelled and replaced where needed, top meadow has now been topped 3m wide and all the way to the top, you will have to cut your own pegs, word of caution the drainage ditch 3/4 up is still holding water, enjoy the season.

Andy Lee