Led by Nick Craddock, the club intends to hold Members Only matches at Black bank on each Tuesday starting 20th June 2023. Matches will focus on the Black Bank Ponds and rotate around each pond in turn.
There will be a £5 pool entry with all monies being returned in prize money. The object of holding these matches is to increase the amount of feed going into the ponds and to promote this excellent venue that the club has developed over the past 12 months.
Pegs will be drawn at 9am on the day and fishing will be from 10am to 3pm.
An update will be available each week on our website and Face Book page.
Very Important. Matches still remain the only exception to use of keepnets on our still waters. To minimise any risk of disease keepnets must be air dried from arriving at your peg to 15 minutes before start of match.